Rihanna and Blake Lively on SNL!

Below is a video of Rihanna performing, "Hard" with Young Jeezy, last night on SNL. And she has actually gotten her live vocal game up, cause she was on the verge of losing fans, with those previous closed mouth performances, Im just saying. They killed it!

She also sang Russian Roulette and you can check that out if you follow the video link. Russian Roulette's visuals and live performance renditions with the rock band, the outfits, and the theme is starting to creep me out. It seems so dark, but anyway, check Hard, it's more my cup of tea.

Link to video, for facebook users.

Source: B. Scott and a3urbanmusic.com

My readers should know that I am a Gossip Girl fanatic, so seeing Blake Lively on SNL, last night was a treat. Thanks to S. Alexander for the late night text tip. View Blake and Keenan Thompson's Tiger Wood's skit, FUN-NY!!!

Link to Blake skit here.


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